Age-wise, we are young, old and everything in between. Attire trends toward business-casual, though you can find anything from jeans to suits. We’re more concerned about you. We are very friendly so don’t be surprised if someone offers a handshake or a hug. If that’s not your thing, no worries, we won’t be offended.
Sunday School
On Sunday morning at 9:30 AM we come together for an hour of Bible teaching, in which we learn about God’s Word and its application to all areas of life. Families, please note that nursery and children’s classes are available as well. Of course, your children are always welcome to stay with you.
The music we sing at New Hope is a blend of old and new. We love the doctrinally rich hymns of old and we find blessing in the praise songs of today. We usually start off with a modern call to worship led by our worship leader playing guitar and accompanied by keyboard and other instruments. (P.S. If you are a gifted musician and are looking for a place to use your gifts for the Lord, we have a place for you!).
Body of Service
Our worship time formally begins at 10:30 AM. During this time, we sing a few songs, offer prayers of praise and confession to God, have Scripture reading, and give our offerings and tithes. You will find that we place a high priority and strong emphasis on the Bible.
Preaching at New Hope is generally expositional, meaning that it seeks to declare the point of a particular Biblical passage. Sermons are packed with material for reflection. On a regular basis, Pastor Stephen alternates between the Old and New Testaments. All preaching is driven by the Gospel, the Bible’s main message of God saving sinners through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Post Sermon
We offer what we call a time of decision during which we sing a song. This gives everyone an opportunity to pray with the pastor, pray and reflect silently at their seat, or come to the altar for prayer. If there are any decisions to trust Christ as Savior, we like to celebrate those as well. A typical service is finished by 11:45 AM.
Bible Study
Our afternoon Bible study begins at 4:00 PM. This is where we really dig down deep into the study of Scripture. Although it’s lecture driven, it is very informal and everyone is encouraged to ask questions and comment on the discussion.