Bring Glory to God
Mission, Strategy & Values
New Hope Baptist Church is a Kingdom-focused mission, strategy, and values. Our mission is centered on bringing glory to God by being a refuge for the community and sharing Christ’s love. Our strategy is built on teaching Kingdom principles and living under God’s authority, while our values emphasize a Kingdom lifestyle that includes worship, prayer, service, generosity, and reproduction of disciples. Together, these guide us in fulfilling our purpose of advancing God’s Kingdom here on earth. New Hope’s goal is to connect with people, embrace them in Christ’s love, encourage their growth, and share the Gospel as we live out our Kingdom calling.
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33
Our Mission – A Kingdom Focus
We do not believe God has a mission for His church, rather He has a church for His mission – to bring glory to God! To that end, we strive to be a refuge for Lake Wales and the surrounding communities by compassionately providing the healing truth of Christ’s love to everyday people.
Our Strategy – A Kingdom Agenda
Our philosophy of ministry and life is grounded in a worldview based firmly on the authority of God’s Word. Recognizing God’s comprehensive rule over every area of our lives, we teach our members Kingdom principles so they can function under Kingdom authority and visibly model God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. To that end, our missional map is to….
Our Values – A Kingdom Lifestyle
We are committed to developing Kingdom people who recognize and demonstrate Jesus as King and Lord. Being a Kingdom person involves organizing our lives according to the Great Commandment: loving God and loving people.
A Kingdom Person is a…
- Worshiping Person – will surrender his/her own agenda and embrace God’s agenda.
- Praying Person – learns to hear the Father’s voice and respond to His mission, just like Jesus did.
- Biblical Person – develops a biblical framework for living and is committed to following Jesus in all things.
- Serving Person – demonstrates love through putting others’ needs first and living out the truths of the Gospel.
- Generous Person – sacrificially invests in the Kingdom of God and the well-being of the Church.
- Reproducing Person – leads others to lead others to live like Jesus.
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